How can our trusted family lawyers help you?

By providing you with family law advice about the outcome you can reasonably expect to achieve and then guiding you through a process to achieve that outcome in a timely and cost effective way.

Separation & Divorce

Separation occurs when one person in a marriage or de facto relationship communicates to the other that the relationship is over.

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Mediation provides an informal yet structured forum to assist you to resolve your dispute without going to Court. Talk to RFL today.

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Parenting Issues

Each case is different.  But there are a number of factors to consider when deciding what is in a child’s best interests. Talk to us today.

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Spousal Support

When you have been in a marriage or de facto relationship there is an obligation to financially support your partner after your separation.

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Property Settlements

When lawyers or the Court approach how matrimonial property is to be divided, a four step process is implemented. Talk to RFL today.

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There are lots of reasons why you might want to move interstate (or even within the same State) or overseas when your relationship breaks down.

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